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  1. I really wanted to stay at Wilderness Lodge .The idea of having to stop at other resorts while paying for a Deluxe resort is not sitting well with me.

    1. It’s not always the case, but it can happen. I’m in the parks often, and these experiences have happened to me. If you take the boat service, you shouldn’t have to deal with extra stops. However, given variable factors like crowds, the time of day, or if the monorail goes down, you could run into sharing a bus service with another resort.

  2. Hi Amber! We are staying at the wilderness lodge for a solid week. And I was wondering if taking the bus to the Hollywood and Epcot is the better choice over taking the boat to magic kingdom then hopping on the monorail to get to Epcot? And the same route to Epcot then hopping on the skyliner to Hollywood when we visit that park. Am I overthinking this? Wasting time with all the jumping? Just curious what choice is best. Thank you for all your articles! They have been full of wonderful information. My wife and I have been planning this vacation for quite a while now and we’re about three weeks away to launch!

    1. Hi, personally, I would take the bus from Wilderness Lodge to Epcot and Hollywood Studios. It’s important to know that there are two separate monorail lines at Walt Disney World. One loop includes the Magic Kingdom, but there’s a separate loop to Epcot. If you took a boat to Magic Kingdom, you’d have to board the monorail there and take it to the Transportation and Ticket Center. Then you would have to disembark and board a separate monorail to Epcot. Just guessing, I think that would take at least an hour.

      You also mentioned hopping on the Skyliner to reach Hollywood Studios. It’s important to note that the Skyliner is located at Epcot’s International Gateway, not the front entrance where the bus to Wilderness Lodge drops off. So the method you mentioned probably wouldn’t work.

      If you would like to ride the Skyliner, you could do so if you were park-hopping (must have park hopper ticket and hop after 2:00 p.m.) between Epcot and Hollywood Studios. Or you could walk out of either park and ride it at your leisure. When you got to the end, you could exit the Skyliner and get in the line to return to the park.

      Hope this helps, and have a wonderful vacation!

      1. Thank you so very much! Of everything I’ve been trying to plan this is what has been on my mind the most. Thank you again!!

  3. Hi, Is there boat service from the RV resort to the Contemporary Hotel? We have grandparents staying in the RV resort that need to visit us in the Contemporary Hotel once or twice a day. If there is no boat service, maybe they could use our Contemporary resort parking pass (we won’t have a car) and drive their car back and forth? Thanks for your help.

    1. Hi, since my last visit, the boat service has not returned, and I haven’t seen any news of it returning. I would think they could use one of your bands to drive back and forth. When we stayed at the Contemporary a few months ago, we used our bands to go through the automatic gates to park.

  4. Hi, would it be possible to include a list of bus travel times from Wilderness Lodge to all the various parks, similar to your post for Animal Kingdom? Thanks a bunch!

    1. Hi, I keep a log of times for future projects. Here is what I have for Wilderness Lodge:

      Boat from Magic Kingdom to Wilderness Lodge (11 minutes)
      Bus from Epcot to Wilderness Lodge (8 minutes)
      Bus from Wilderness Lodge to Fort Wilderness (5 minutes) Continued from Fort Wilderness to Epcot (12 minutes) This time included waiting for the bus to load and unload at the Settlement.

  5. Hello! Thank you for this detailed article. I’m wondering: Do you know if there is a step up/step down on the RED boats from Disney’s Wilderness Lodge to Magic Kingdom? I know you mentioned it is usually accessible (if they use the larger boats), but is there any way of knowing before I hike all the way down there? (I use a walker and can do small or half-steps, but not full or larger steps.) Thank you!

    1. Hi! Yes the red boats have a step in between the landing and the base of the boat. So it’s probably considered two steps down and two steps up. The larger boats are level and can accommodate ECVS, wheelchairs, etc. They do not require an extra step.

      It has been my experience that the larger boats are always running from the Wilderness Lodge to Magic Kingdom. Sometimes the smaller red boats run in between. So you might have to wait on the larger boat, but it probably wouldn’t be much longer. (I don’t see the larger boats run the route between Wilderness Lodge and the Contemporary and Fort Wilderness often.)

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