90+ Photos of the Halloween Decorations at Walt Disney World During the 50th Anniversary Celebration

This post contains photos of the Halloween decorations that were part of the 50th anniversary celebration at Walt Disney World. It has been left for historical reference and added to our archives section.
It’s been a while since we’ve seen a fully decorated Main Street U.S.A. at Walt Disney World for the Halloween season. Now I know many of you are thinking it’s August and that it’s a little early for all the Fall trimmings.
But at Walt Disney World, the Halloween season always begins early for several reasons. One of those reasons is that Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween party starts in mid-August. It’s also nice for late summer guests to see the decor who might not be able to travel in what we consider the actual Fall months.
Magic Kingdom’s Halloween decorations usually start to appear in the first week of August. By the end of the second week, they are completely installed. Decorations will remain up through the last Halloween party on October 31st. Promptly after the party, they’ll come down to make way for Christmas decor.

Since I have plans to attend a few of the first parties, I thought we’d kick off the season with a full photo post of the Halloween decorations at Walt Disney World. Below you’ll find over 90 photos of Magic Kingdom dressed to the nines for the Fall season.

Anyway, we’ll start with a look at the Chamber of Commerce.

Between the Chamber and City Hall, the courtyard is decked out with pumpkins. Snow White used to meet in this area. However, since she returned, she’s been meeting on the side patio of Town Square Theater.

The giant pumpkins are sensational.

City Hall stands out beautifully with all of its Halloween decorations.

More than anything, I was glad to see these scarecrows return to Town Square.

The last time I photographed them was back three years ago. It feels like so much has changed since then.
This scarecrow below has the best view. She looks up toward the Walt Disney World Railroad Station’s balcony. Won’t it be nice to loop the park on a pleasant train ride in the future?

Speaking of nostalgia, it would be nice to see a few citizens on Main Street again. These kinds of posts always make me remember the people we’ve lost.

I am sorry too.

Okay, as I dry my eyes for what feels like the millionth time, let’s try to look ahead to brighter days.

Let’s face it. There’s a reason people like you and me enjoy Disney World so much. It’s because we care deeply and maybe even feel things a bit more than others.

We love all the detail and the extra effort it takes to pull off the different seasons at Walt Disney World.

And many of us enjoy making memories here with our loved ones. This particular scarecrow appears to have ventured outside the Confectionery. She is touting a lollipop and a candy apple.

I just noticed that she had taken a bite out of the pop. She might as well be me. It would never do for me to work in such a sweet spot.

And here is the baseball scarecrow sporting the number two.

Hey, at least he caught the ball.

Here are the baker and the shopper.

His sack has a hole.

And this scarecrow is the spookiest as she dangles a doll from the Emporium with that crooked smile. Maybe she’s just stocking the shelves?

Here is an overall view of the train station.

This bunting pattern continues throughout Main Street U.S.A.

All of the flowers around the lanterns are a nice touch.

Here’s a closer look.

More pumpkins are around the area in front of the Town Square Theater.

We’ll head up Main Street to see all the sights.

Without a doubt, Main Street U.S.A.’s Confectionery is my favorite stop on the block. It’s been redone in the last year or so, and it turned out nicely.

When I started up Main Street, it was about an hour before the Festival of Fantasy Parade was scheduled to start. A few guests had already taken up residence in the only shaded area.
Related: Festival of Fantasy Parade at Magic Kingdom

Each building along Main Street has different sets of florals.

And most of the light poles are adorned with pumpkin wreaths.

They are stunning even though they aren’t Mickey.

All of the building’s facades have received fresh paint jobs in recent years. So it’s nice not to have any scrims at the moment.

Look up, and you’ll see pumpkins.


We break to look toward Cinderella Castle.

Do you ever stop in Crystal Arts to see what they are making? There is often someone creating a piece of hand-blown glass art.

Everything is so pretty.

This series of photos was taken within about 30 minutes of each other. Do you notice how guests are starting to line up for the parade? It was crazy hot, and most of these people waited for at least 45 minutes.

Here are a few florals in the window boxes, and those sailboat pumpkins are adorable.

I always think how fun it would be to sit and enjoy Main Street from this balcony.

At this point, I was melting. I thought about finding a spot to enjoy the parade, but ultimately I needed to cool off. And I had a few other things I needed to do at the park.

So I took about an hour or so to take some updated attraction photos, then I got in line to meet Peter Pan. He recently moved from Adventureland back to Fantasyland, and I needed new images for that blog post.
After that, I could do no more, so I ended up inside the Hall of Presidents to cool off. I was going to sit through the show, but after I had been there for about 10 minutes, they announced it was 15 minutes until the next show. Since the show is approximately 23 minutes long, I decided to catch it another time. If you’re in Liberty Square and need to cool off, you can always grab a seat inside. There are plenty of benches and air conditioning.
While I was in Liberty Square, I noticed other Fall decorations. So to be thorough, I took a few more photos.

Sleepy Hollow Refreshments had a lovely strand of garland wrapped around it.

And there were several wreaths on the buildings.

All of the decorations in Liberty Square have gourds which are very fitting.

I especially loved these wraps around the front porch of Liberty Tree Tavern. Okay, this is a bit embarrassing to admit, but I’ve never eaten there. Have you?

Here are a few more photos from Liberty Square.

Back toward the hub, we see a few more pumpkins and wreaths placed here and there.

I took this photo because I thought it kind of showed how the Cinderella pumpkin has that same iridescent look as the castle. I can only assume these gold elements were added to tone down the brighter orange tones.

We stop to pay respects to Walt Disney and Mickey Mouse at the Partners statue.

As I was preparing to leave, I changed my camera lens and took a few more photos.

Casey’s Corner had some fun pumpkins.

And over at the Plaza Restaurant, there are a few more.

I especially liked this ice cream cone pumpkin over the ice cream parlor.

Here is a pair of baseball bats and a hot dog carved into pumpkins at Casey’s.

And there’s a tiny pumpkin with an actual bat carving.

More wreaths.

This trio of pumpkins has a variety of expressions.

Here are a few more photos of the decor:

When I was standing here taking photos, this made me laugh. It’s almost like Minnie was about to smile at the Mickey pumpkin, but it was only Cinderella’s coach.

This one turned out okay.

Have you ever seen a skeleton key?

If you visit during the Halloween months, this spot is an excellent place to have a family photo taken.

There’s usually a PhotoPass photographer present if you have the Memory Maker purchase. If not, ask if they’ll take a photo with your camera or phone.

When you leave the park, you’ll notice the “See Ya Real Soon” above the tunnel’s arch that goes under the train station. There’s one on either side.

Back out front, there are a few other pumpkins displayed.

Hopefully, this photo tour of the Fall and Halloween decorations at Walt Disney World provided some cheerfulness to your day. I enjoy having the opportunity to share my thoughts and photos with you. It would be so kind if you took the time to leave a comment below with your thoughts.
On a side note, I am preparing to meet friends for a week’s stay at Disney’s Contemporary. This is a trip I’ve been looking forward to for quite some time. We’re attending Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party and H20 Glow Nights at Typhoon Lagoon during our stay. So, I’ll have a couple of write-ups about the party here on the site.
And don’t forget to let me know what you think of all the Halloween Decorations at Walt Disney World!