10 Packing Tips for a Walt Disney World Vacation (That Won’t Weigh You Down)

It’s been a busy week. Not only have you had your usual chores, but there’s also been a gazillion other things to do so you can leave for Walt Disney World in a few short days. Your suitcases are lying on the bedroom floor, spilling over with at least 11 items you’ll never wear. Tired, you collapse on the bed and mindlessly scroll social media for a few minutes. Next thing you know, you see someone doing an exercise routine. Where is the time to fit it all in? Maybe you’ll get in a few workouts at Walt Disney World. It will be like a fresh start, you think, as you throw your sports bras and spandex onto the pile of clothes that now resembles a mountain more than luggage for a week-long vacation.
You’ll be on your way in a few short days with 200 lbs of luggage in tow. (That’s four suitcases maximized to the 50 lb weight limit for a family of four, right?) But wait, there’s more. Everyone has a carry-on packed to the brim. You hope you’ve got everything you need and won’t have to buy anything else or pay for luggage overages. This vacation was already more expensive than you planned. Wait, did you remember the sunscreen? Your mind shifts to something else as you go through a mental checklist of what you packed for what feels like the hundredth time.
Does any of this ring a bell? If so, I understand. When my son was younger, I was guilty of overpacking. Once, we drove down for a three-week vacation when school let out for the summer, and I brought 11 bags. It wasn’t until we arrived that I realized I had forgotten a hanging bag filled with all the new clothes I had bought for the trip. Do you think I missed it? No. But, after that trip, I resolved that things had to change.
Since then, I’ve been fortunate to travel on several extended vacations where I’ve had to rely on one suitcase of belongings for 3 to 4 weeks. It’s taken some time, but I’ve learned that less is truly more. I rarely purchase new outfits for destinations and rely on making the most of what I have. These days, I have less anxiety about packing and spend my time looking forward to upcoming travels. As someone who visits Walt Disney World regularly, I’ve learned I only need a few simple things. Below, I’ll share my best packing tips.

1. Form a Plan
When it comes to a Walt Disney World vacation, you need a plan for everything, including packing. You’ll want to plan what you’ll wear for your arrival, departure, and all the days in between. One major consideration is the weather. You’ll want to consider the weather where you’re leaving and where you’re going. Depending on the time of year, you can expect anything from moderate temperatures to extreme heat in Orlando. But if you’re leaving the rain, sleet, and snow for 80-degree days, you’ll want to consider layering items on your arrival and departure days.
You’ll also want to consider any special events you might attend. We used to plan a couple of fine dining reservations, and I would bring something unique to wear for each one. Now, I combine several things to make different looks or even bring one dress to wear for multiple events. Is anyone going to know or care that you wore the same black dress to dinner twice in one week? If you’re still worried, remember that a simple scarf, belt, or other accessory can change the look.
Tip: Know your airline’s baggage policy before your trip. You don’t want any last-minute surprises!
2. Only Pack Things You’re Going to Wear (Really!)
Okay, this is a big one. When you start laying out clothes for your trip, you should only select things that you know you’ll really wear. We’re all guilty of holding on to things we like on the hangar but not on our bodies. So, if you have items that you don’t wear regularly at home, don’t assume you’ll wear them somewhere else.
A Disney World vacation is (for the most part) about being outdoors with your family for approximately 70% of the trip. You need to wear clothes that fit correctly and provide comfort. I hate to bring it up, but if your shorts don’t fit properly, you could end up with a terrible rash from chafing. You’ll be miserable after the first day! If you wear uncomfortable undergarments or things that are too tight, you’ll spend the day feeling subconsciously and constantly adjusting your outfit. Try on your clothes beforehand, especially if you haven’t worn something in a while, and make sure comfort is a priority.
The Bottom Line: the majority of the people you’ll see in the parks do not like they’re ready for an Instagram photo shoot. They are just regular people wearing shorts and t-shirts, enjoying their family vacation.
3. Bring Comfortable (Read: Already Worn) Shoes
I am guilty of this one. When I moved to Orlando, I got to the point where I needed a new pair of tennis shoes. Not thinking, I wore them to the Magic Kingdom one Sunday afternoon to “break them in.” By the time I got back to my car, the damage was done. I had terrible blisters, and it was over a week before I returned to the parks. You won’t have that option.
Figuring out what kind of shoes best support you is up to you. I wear Hoka recovery slides and Asics tennis shoes on nearly every visit. Occasionally, I dress up and bring a pair of sandals in my backpack. But I still wear my slides for the bulk of any walking. They might not be the cutest look, but my feet love them. You do not want unhappy feet during your Walt Disney World vacation.
Tip: If you end up with blisters (it happens), make sure to check the resort gift shop for moleskin. If you’re prone to blisters, you might bring a pack. If you even remotely feel any discomfort, use it immediately.
4. Use Packing Cubes
When I first learned of packing cubes, I figured they were another reason to buy something else for your vacation. I have a cheap set of packing cubes that I’ve used countless times since. My only advice would be to purchase a quality set. I bought mine at TJ Maxx, and while they’ve been good, most of the zippers are broken. I still use them to organize items, but eventually, I’ll get a better set.
Packing cubes not only help me arrange my items neatly in the suitcase but also help me unpack when I get to the room. I am a huge advocate of taking the time to unpack on your arrival day. A little organization upfront goes a long way over the entirety of your stay.
Tip: You might also practice rolling clothes to maximize space in your luggage and cubes.
5. Pack Your Carry-On Wisely
We often fill our carry-on bags with things that will entertain us for the journey, never to see them again until we depart for home. But our carry-on bag is really an insurance policy. What if your luggage gets lost? Our carry-on bags should contain essentials like medicine, important papers, a change of clothes, or anything else you can’t live without for a few days.
6. Plan to Do Laundry on Vacation (But make it fun!)
Plan to do laundry to help reduce the amount of clothes you’ll bring on vacation. If you’re on a five-day, four-night trip or shorter, I’ll let you pass on this one. But if we visit for more than five days, we always do at least two loads of laundry. Every Disney World hotel has laundry facilities with vending machines containing detergent. From our experience, it’s always a hypoallergenic brand detergent that’s friendly for all. We like to combine our laundry runs with a visit to the pool or a little downtime at the resort. Start your load, set a timer, and relax! Doing laundry while on vacation is not bad, and you’ll have fresh clothes. You’ll also have less laundry to do when you return home!

7. Bring a Backpack for the Parks
We would not visit any of the theme parks without bringing a backpack. It’s an easy way to carry our essentials. Our backpack contains emergency medicine, an umbrella, ponchos or rain jackets, a character autograph book, and a water bottle. If you do not have ponchos, we recommend buying disposable ones at a Dollar Tree or similar store. I usually fill the net cargo in the side of our suitcase with about ten disposable ponchos and put one for each of us in my backpack. If we use them, we throw them away and add a new one to the backpack the next day. (Ponchos are available in the parks to the tune of $20.00 or more apiece.)
Tip: When you go through security at any of the theme parks, make sure to have metal items like umbrellas held out in front of you. If you leave them in your backpack, you must go through an additional bag search.
8. Be Able to Quickly Locate Things You’ll Need on Your Arrival Day
Between travel logistics and the change of routine, travel days can be exhausting! You might also experience some downtime between your arrival and receiving your room assignment. So you’ll want to have a planned form for what to do on your arrival day and be able to quickly locate anything you’ll need without dismantling your entire suitcase.
Did you know? You can access your resort’s amenities upon arrival, even if your room isn’t ready. Each resort has dedicated changing rooms with showers and toiletries. You can access these areas to freshen up or change into your swimsuit. Then, store your things in a locker or check your carry-on with bell services. It’s time to enjoy that beautiful Florida sunshine!

9. Organize Electronics
We’ve done a couple of cruises in recent years, and I’ve noticed that our stateroom attendants always organize our cords and cables. It may seem like a no-brainer, but I had never thought to do it until someone showed me otherwise. You can use velcro, rubber bands, or even purchase cord organizers to keep things from getting in a tangled mess. You will also likely want to bring portable chargers to keep your phones charged in the parks. As much as we hate to be on our phones, the My Disney Experience app is an essential tool we use often.
10. Only Bring the Toiletries You Need
Regarding items not weighing you down, you’ll only want to bring toiletries that you need. All Disney hotel rooms have built-in body wash, shampoo, and conditioner in the showers. If you can make do with these items, you’ll save a lot of space in your luggage. Hotels will also have hair dryers, towels, irons, ironing boards, or steamers. So you won’t need to worry about packing those kinds of extras. Towels are provided at every pool, and if you’re planning a day at a water park, resort guests get complimentary towels.

Final Thoughts
Hopefully, these ten packing tips for Walt Disney World helped out! For more planning, you might enjoy one of the following:
- How to Budget for a Disney World Vacation
- The Benefits of Staying at a Disney World Resort
- The Ultimate Disney World Dining Handbook
- The Resorts Gal Guide to Staying Club Level at Disney World
Or you might enjoy our quick start planning guide:
In the Comments
Did you find these planning tips helpful? Did we miss anything? Let us know below in the comments.